Life Science and Technology News
Controlling Conformational Changes in Protein Aromatic Side Chains
Elucidating the mechanism that prevents cell death caused by uncontrolled nuclear autophagy
Distinguished Research Professor Morio and Professor Osakabe Named 2024 Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers
Exploring How Pheromones Drive Mating Behavior in Mice
Towards Quantitative Point-of-Care Testing with Novel Bioluminescent Immunosensor
A Breakthrough Tool for Detecting Problems During Protein Synthesis
Detecting Cancer in Urine: Nanowire-based Capture of Micro-Ribonucleic Acids
Novel Customizable Immunoassay May Revolutionize Diagnostics and On-Site Assessments!
Role of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Expression of Iron Uptake Genes in Escherichia coli
New Mechanism Uncovered for the Reduction of Emu Wings
Achieving Precise Timing for DNA Droplet Division: A Step Towards Artificial Cells
2024 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
Conformational dynamics and allostery elucidate how GPCR couple to multiple G-proteins, offering mechanistic insights into coupling-promiscuity and novel drug discovery strategies
Effects of the Initial Microbiota on Microbial Succession During Eggplant Fermentation
Visualizing Short-Lived Intermediate Compounds Produced During Chemical Reactions
Flexible and Durable Bioelectrodes: The Future of Healthcare Wearables
Unraveling the Role of ADGRF5: Insights into Kidney Health and Function
Epitope Binning-seq: A Game-Changer in Antibody Drug Discovery
Nile Perch Invasion Triggered Genetic Bottlenecks in Lake Victoria's Endemic Cichlids
Developing a System to Study Proteins Without Fixed Structures
Untapped Power: Logical Operations Using RNA Droplets
Fixing Excess Carbon Dioxide: Biocatalyst-Driven Carboxylation Under Mild Conditions
Scientists uncover a multibillion-year epic written into the chemistry of life
Advances in Understanding the Evolution of Stomach Loss in Agastric Fishes
New Toolkit Makes Molecular Dynamics Simulations More Accessible!
A Molecular Route to Decoding Synaptic Specificity and Nerve Cell Communication
A Novel Method for Easy and Quick Fabrication of Biomimetic Robots with Life-Like Movement
The Evolutionary Timeline of Diminished Boric Acid and Urea Transportation in Aquaporin 10
Designing a gut environment to achieve a "Zero-Disease Society"—Yoshinori Mizuguchi
Breakthroughs in Nanosized Contrast Agents and Drug Carriers Through Self-Folding Molecules
Engineering Bacteria to Biosynthesize Intricate Protein Complexes
New Study Sheds Light on the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Lipid Recycling Within Cells
Preventing Airborne Infection without Impeding Communication with Ions and Electric Field
2023 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
Revolutionizing Brain Monitoring and Stimulation with Thin-Film Neural Electrodes
Overcoming the challenges to synthesising iron–sulfur proteins outside the glovebox
Unveiling Novel Mechanism Underlying the Heat Shock Response in Escherichia coli
Towards Artificial Photosynthesis with Engineering of Protein Crystals in Bacteria
2023 ASUNARO Grant awarded to 5 researchers
Unraveling the Molecular Basis of Dmc1 Filament Assembly in Homologous Recombination
Efficient Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Brain Tumor with Novel Boron Carrier
Understanding the Regulation of Apicoplast Gene Expression in the Malaria Parasite
Investigating the Intricacies of Auxin Signaling Mechanisms in Algae
Tokyo Tech Research Videos Now Online: Learn about our cutting-edge research that will shape the future
Making cancer cells glow
Shedding Light on the Complex Flow Dynamics within the Small Intestine
New innovative research teams receive DLab Challenge Research Grant
A Novel High-Throughput Method for Screening Protein-Secreting Microbial Strains
The genetics of temperature adaptation: how does life thrive in extreme conditions?
Highly sensitive Raman probe detects enzyme expression in heterogeneous tissues
Tokyo Tech Research Video "Dynamic self-assembly of designed protein 'Needles'" Now Online
Personalized Gut Microbiome Analysis for Colorectal Cancer Classification with Explainable AI
Tokyo Tech Research Video on "Discovery of a Method for Efficient 'KODA' Production to Augment Plant Growth" Now Online
2022 Yoshinori Ohsumi Fund for Fundamental Research Awarded to Two Researchers
Could a Naturally Occurring Amino Acid Lead Us to a Cure for COVID-19?
Researchers Uncover How Photosynthetic Organisms Regulate and Synthesize ATP
"Snapshots" of Translation Could Help Us Investigate Cellular Proteins
A Winding Road: Mapping How Singlet Oxygen Molecules Travel Along DNA Strands
Lost in Translation: How "Risky" Amino Acids Abort Elongation in Protein Synthesis
Working the Puzzle: Role of Sulfides in Aerobic/Anaerobic Switching in Bacteria
Quenchbody Immunosensors Pave the Way to Quick and Sensitive COVID-19 Diagnostics
New Study Sheds Light on Boric Acid Transport and Excretion in Marine Fish
Shining A New Light on The Importance of a Critical Photosynthesis Pathway in Plants
Grant Recipients' Progress Report and Roundtable Meeting Held for Yoshinori Ohsumi Fund for Fundamental Research
Lamin C Facilitates Repair of Damaged Nuclear Envelope in Human and Mouse Cells
Novel Cell-Free Protein Crystallization Method to Advance Structural Biology
Live Intracellular Imaging with New, Conditionally Active Immunofluorescence Probe
2022 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
The Zinc Link: Unraveling the Mechanism of Methionine-Mediated Pluripotency Regulation
Visualization of binding processes of cell-cell adhesion molecules in solution
Opening New Doors: First Synthetic Mechanosensitive Potassium Channel
Dopamine Regulates Insulin Secretion Through a Complex of Receptors, Finds New Study
Novel Method for Early Disease Detection Using DNA Droplets
Novel Method for Real-time Live Cell Imaging of Collagen Synthesis
Scientists discover potential key missing link protein bridging eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Discovering Molecular ‘Team-Work’ Underlying Nitrate Assimilation in a Unicellular Red Alga
Plotting the Placental Protein NRK: Understanding the Molecular Evolution Processes Underlying Placenta Acquisition in Eutherian Ancestors
Decoding KODA Production to Augment Stress Resistance in Plants
Cats in a Cage: Novel Hybrid Nanocages for Faster Catalysis
Decoding Protein Assembly Dynamics with Artificial Protein Needles
The changing patterns of DNA microcapsules
Caught on Camera: Live Imaging of Transcription Using Active RNA Polymerase II-Specific Probes
Probing the Dysregulation of Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 8 Activity in Cushing's Disease
Nascent Polypeptides Stabilize Ribosomes for Uninterrupted Translation, Tokyo Tech Scientists Show
Sequencing the Unknown Made Easy: MetaPlatanus Improves Metagenome Assembly
Research video: Fighting cancer with heat!
Bottom-up creation of cell-free molecular systems: surpassing nature " (Leader: Prof. Matsuura, Earh-Life Science Institute) was selected as Grant-in-Aid for Transfomative Reseach Area (A)
2021 Suematsu Award "Fundamentals and Developments of Digital Technology" Winners Announced
Novel Alzheimer's Disease Amyloid β Polymorph Now Revealed!
2021 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award Winners Announced
Biocompatible thin film: Heating tissue with surgical precision to kill cancer!
ASUNARO Grant established, 5 researchers awarded in first call
In a Supramolecular Realm: Advances in Intracellular Spaces with De Novo Designed Peptide
Striking Gold: Synthesizing Green Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy with Biomolecules
Turning the Heat on: A Flexible Device for Localized Heat Treatment of Living Tissues
Shedding New Light: A New Type of Immunosensor for Immunoassay Tests
Fastide, Inc. Established to Commercialize Results of Middle Molecule Drug Discovery Using AI Technology and Artificial Nucleic Acid Synthesis Technology
In-cell Nano-3D Printer: Synthesizing Stable Filaments from In-cell Protein Crystals
Exosomes and their role in how cancer spreads
Research on Lake Victoria Cichlids Uncovers the Processes of Rapid Species Adaptation
Selective mRNA Degradation via Autophagy: A Novel Role for Autophagy in Gene Regulation
When FRETing over cancer biomarkers won't work, focus on blinking instead
Conformational Equilibria in GPCRs provides critical clues about activation mechanisms
Sharing Shears: Conserved Protein Segment Activates Molecular DNA Scissors for DNA repair
Today's Stem Cell Special: Small Intestine on a Plate!
Double Delight: New Synthetic Transmembrane Ion Channel Can Be Activated in Two Ways
How cells 'eat' their own fluid components
Quantitative Approach on Understanding How Epigenetic Switches Control Gene Expression
Amino Acid Recycling in Cells: Autophagy Helps Cells Adapt to Changing Conditions
Tokyo Tech World Research Hub Initiative (WRHI) Online International Symposium report
Meeting Announcements: Take part an online symposium held by Tokyo Tech's revolutionary research hub, the WRHI
New study shows how complex metabolism may have self-assembled from simple precursors
Study discovers process that may have produced first organic molecules for life on Earth
New Study Finds Novel functions of the Pyruvate-Sensing Protein PdhR in E. coli
Four teams receive first DLab Challenge research grant
New Insights into How the Drug Pomalidomide Fights Cancer
A Ferry Protein in the Pancreas Protects It from the Stress Induced by a High-Fat Diet
Tiny Protein Packages Released from Cells May Serve as Biomarkers for Early Blood-Based Cancer Diagnosis
Move over Akita: Introducing 'Kuma Mutant' Mice for Islet Transplantation Research
Giving Movement to The Micro: Novel Technique Moves Micro-particles using Electric Fields
Cellular Cleanup! Atg40 Folds the Endoplasmic Reticulum to Facilitate Its Autophagy
Designing DNA From Scratch: Engineering the Functions of Micrometer-Sized DNA Droplets
Joint Research Coronavirus Task Force Established
Scientists synthesize novel artificial molecules that mimic a cell membrane protein
New study reveals life’s earliest evolution was more complicated than previously suspected
Helping a Helper: Uncovering How Different Proteins Cooperate in DNA Repair
How understanding the dynamics of yeast prions can shed light on neurodegenerative diseases
Research video: Fighting cancer with slime chemistry and BNCT
Using "slime chemistry" to improve cancer treatment - press seminar held
How to keep boron inside cells during radiotherapy: a simple novel approach to cancer treatment
From 3D to 2D and back: Reversible conversion of lipid spheres into ultra-thin sheets
Not so selfish after all ― Key role of transposable elements in mammalian evolution
Histone modifications are the influencers of zygotic genome awakening
The story of thalidomide continues
Scientists develop DNA microcapsules with built-in ion channels
2019 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
Gene regulation behind the choice of the correct receptor for olfaction
Scientists identify protein factors increasing yield of a biofuel precursor in microscopic algae
It's not an antibody, it's a frankenbody: A new tool for live-cell imaging
Masaaki Fujii honored with Humboldt Research Award
Shoen Kume - Towards a new therapy for diabetes - Regenerating pancreas from ES and iPS cells
A rapid, easy-to-use DNA amplification method at 37℃
Oxygen shapes arms and legs: origins of a new developmental mechanism called "interdigital cell death"
Six Tokyo Tech faculty members receive FY2019 MEXT Commendation
Molecular Basis of Brain Dysfunction and Embryo Malformation Associated with Thalidomide
"Luminescent detection of Protein-Protein Interaction by tagging tiny peptides"
Live cell imaging: 'Green Glifons' for real-time monitoring of glucose metabolism
Toshinori Fujie selected as "Emerging Investigators 2019" by Biomaterials Science
Hiroshi Kimura - How one fertilized egg leads to different cells and tissues - Research on epigenome
When less is more: A promising approach for low-cell-number epigenomic profiling
A new molecular player involved in T cell activation
Newly launched Organization for Fundamental Research aims to encourage emerging researchers
Nanotubes built from protein crystals: Breakthrough in biomolecular engineering
Scientists find a "switch" to increase starch accumulation in algae
The role of the Atg2 protein in tethering pre-autophagosomal membranes to the endoplasmic reticulum
A pheromone-sensing gene that predates land-dwelling vertebrates
Scientists unraveling the molecular details of DNA recombination regulation
Chitinase as “burnt-bridge” Brownian monorail efficiently hydrolyzing recalcitrant biomass
Anticancer drugs delivered by a new drug delivery system reduce tumor size
Genetically encoded sensor tracks changes in oxygen levels with very high sensitivity
How do plants rest photosynthetic activity at night?
Harnessing energy from algae: Scientists identify enzyme that could help accelerate biofuel production
The best of both worlds: Basic-to-acidic flash switching for organic synthesis
Hiroyuki Ohta awarded 2018 Terry Galliard Medal
A reliable, easy-to-use mouse model for investigating bone metastasis
FY2017 STAR grant recipients selected
Enzyme found to control formation of collagen carriers and inhibit collagen secretion
Goodbye ‘stress granules’: Study expands possibilities for treating neurological diseases
Complete skin regeneration system of fish unraveled
'Division of labor' between hemispheres of multicellular spheroidal alga controls light-sensitive movement
Target of rapamycin: linking cytosolic and chloroplast ribosome biogenesis in plants
Nobuhiro Nishiyama - Creating nanomachines through polymer design
Uncovering essential enzymes for plant growth during nitrogen starvation
A whole-body approach to understanding chemosensory cells
How developing visual system axons stay in the correct layer
Protein intentionally terminates own synthesis by destabilizing synthesis machinery - the ribosome
Elucidation of bone regeneration mechanism
Pioneering Discovery of an Odor-detecting Receptor Enhancer
Basis of Development of Vertebrate Limb Muscles has been established in Cartilaginous Fishes
Biophysics explains how immune cells kill bacteria
Discover a new cancer control strategy from African clawed frog
Design of chemical linker and control of bioactivity for polymer-conjugated siRNA system
HRP-Catalyzed Tyrosine Click Reaction with Luminol Derivatives
Gas-phase spectroscopy of complexes of noradrenaline and alkali metal ions by using electrospray cryogenic ion trap technique
Algal residue - an alternative carbon resource for pharmaceuticals and polyesters
Improving detection of brain tumors
Honorary Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi wins 2017 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
Choosing the right substrate for the right function: role of ubiquitin-interacting motifs on ubiquitin-specific proteases
Biofuel produced by microalgae
Nanocages for gold particles: what is happening inside?
Inflammation in regeneration: a friend or foe?
Sulfide-sensing mechanisms in purple bacteria
Honorary Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi receives 2016 Order of Culture
In cell molecular sieve from protein crystal
Gravitational biology: Real time imaging and transcriptome analysis of medaka aboard space station
Takuji Yamada - Early cancer intervention with gut bacteria
How the African clawed frog got an extra pair of genes
A novel non-invasive imaging probe for fast and sensitive detection of cancer
Yoshinori Ohsumi, 2016 Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine
Press conference for Yoshinori Ohsumi, 2016 Nobel laureate in medicine
Honorary Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi wins Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2016
Catching histones by the tail: a new probe to track histone modifications in living cells
A new tumor suppressor gene for breast cancer in mice
Fibroblast growth factor signaling controls fin regeneration in zebrafish
New simple storage method for faecal samples offers improvements in the metagenomic analysis and the study of disease
Boron carrier for targeted tumour therapy
Protein cages for designing various catalytic reactions
The intrinsically disordered protein Atg13 mediates supramolecular assembly of autophagy initiation complexes
IIR's Cell Biology Unit holds kickoff symposium
Oligosaccharides in breast milk are key
Linking light to life: new pathways that help plants adapt to changing environments
Illuminating detection of deep cancers
A determined quest toward new horizons in cancer treatment ― Professor Shinae Kondoh
"Nanomachine Contrast Agent" using existing MRI detects minimal cancer tissue with a highly sensitive visualization
Abscisic Acid Helps Red Algae Tolerate Salt Stress by Controlling Cell Cycle Initiation
Shedding light on phototactic behavior of green algae