Life Science and Technology News
Five researchers received the 2023 ASUNARO Grant, which is Tokyo Tech financial support for researchers under 45 years of age engaged in basic research. A ceremony to present the researchers with their award notices was held on June 23.
Memorial photo of the ceremony
The grant was established in FY 2020, in response to Professor Emeritus Koichi Asano's wish to donate a portion of the proceeds from his research, saying, "I am grateful to society for the many years of support that allowed my work in basic research to flourish. In return, I would like to use the funds to support basic research by future generations."
This is the third time the Institute has provided the grant for which 12 researchers applied and 5 were selected as recipients. At the ceremony to present the recipients with their award notices, President Kazuya Masu stated in a speech that he was looking forward to seeing the development of their research.
Toward realization of a sustainable society, thermoelectric devices have been developed to utilize exhaust heat energy. One of the problems that hinder the improvement of thermoelectric power is an inverse correlation that the higher the thermoelectric voltage, the lower the electrical conductivity. A similar inverse correlation is found in any type of particle causing the thermoelectric effect. Therefore, in order to clarify a condition under which the product of thermoelectric voltage and the mobility is maximized, we experimentally control density and a flow structure of the particles. To perform highly controllable experiments, we employ a system of magnetic flux quanta in superconductors, which is analogous to the system of nanoparticles. In this system, the particle density is proportional to magnetic field. Moreover, in our previous researches, we have established the method to control the particle flow structure from a liquid-like flow to a lattice-like flow. By clarifying the relationship between these control parameters, the thermoelectric voltage, and the mobility of particles, we will contribute to the improvement of the thermoelectric power from a fundamental point of view.
School of Science —Exploring the Truth and Creating Knowledge—
Information on School of Science inaugurated in April 2016
Some molecules specifically bind to a certain ion, which attracts attention to why they show such ion recognition. Crown ether (CE) is a doughnut-shaped molecule that selectively confines an ion inside the vacancy of the doughnut. The ion selectivity is believed to emerge when the size of the ion matches the size of the CE vacancy because of the maximal binding energy between the ion and CE. However, some reports have raised arguments on the conventional model because some ions have small complexation constants with CE in an aqueous solution despite large binding energies to CE (in a vacuum). To develop a new theory beyond the conventional framework, we interrogate the hydration effect on the inhibition of complexation using state-of-the-art infrared spectroscopy.
School of Science —Exploring the Truth and Creating Knowledge—
Information on School of Science inaugurated in April 2016
To achieve sustainable society, carbon dioxide reduction to produce valuable compounds is very important research topic in terms of environmental and energy issues. However, most of previous studies for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction produce C1 compounds like methane and carbon monoxide, and the number of works which produce more valuable C2 compounds is limited. To promote this reaction, we are working on the development of electrocatalysts focusing on metal sulfides as candidate materials. Metal sulfides possess unique properties that both of metal and sulfur sites are redox active. To use the advantage of this property, we apply potential-step method, where different potential will be applied alternately. We expect that this potential-step method can effectively produce carbon-carbon bond by regulating charging state of reaction species, compared with previous study in which constant potential has been applied to promote the reaction.
School of Materials and Chemical Technology
—Encompassing the Disciplines of Science—
Information on School of Materials and Chemical Technology inaugurated in April 2016
The mechanisms of supplying nutrients to the embryo during development has changed during vertebrate evolution. The two main types are the Lecithotrophy, in which nutrients are supplied from the yolk via blood vessels, and the Matrotrophy, in which nutrients are supplied via maternal tissue like the placenta. I focus on the commonality and changes in chemosensory receptors and membrane transporters that have important functions in these nutrient supplies. In this study, I aim to elucidate the transporters that maintain water and electrolyte concentrations to maintain oocyte homeostasis in species that accumulate yolk as a nutrient source. I examine transporters commonly expressed in the ovaries of teleost fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, and elucidate their functions by analyzing their localization and transport properties. I would like to expand the range of species to be analyzed and compare the mechanisms of nutrients transport during embryogenesis to understand the diverse survival strategies of vertebrates at the molecular level.
School of Life Science and Technology
—Unravel the Complex and Diverse Phenomena of Life—
Information on School of Life Science and Technology inaugurated in April 2016
The propargylic carbonates have been widely employed in organic synthesis, since they are readily preparable from common materials. Palladium-catalyzed transformation of propargylic carbonates have been explored for approximately 40 years. Due to the vigorous investigations, mechanisms for the reactions with a variety of nucleophiles are well understood. However, I found an unexpected molecular transformation beyond the scope of already-established system while working on research on azaborines, which are heterocycles containing a boron atom in their ring. To give a rational explanation for this phenomenon, the novel allenylidene intermediate is proposed as a key reactive species. In this study, I will examine the property of this unknown species and challenge the development of a series of unprecedented reactions, which will reveal its synthetic utility.
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