Foreign student life in Tokyo Tech: the myth and the reality
Phurt Harnvoravongchai
3rd year doctoral student of the International Graduate Program
Department of Bioengineering
Fukui Lab

- I was wondering how foreign student life would be. Facing strange people, different language and culture, those things were coming to my head before I came here. But when I first landed here, nervousness was replaced with excitement. Everything was amazing, food was great, people were nice, cultures were unique and charming. I found that learning Japanese is quite tough but I am really lucky to have such nice lab mates who always listen to my poor Japanese with a lot of patient.
One thing I do really love is soccer. I was afraid at first that I would not be able to play soccer here because of language barrier and difference in culture, but I was totally wrong. Japanese do love soccer and they are always willing to let me play with them. You may not believe it, but my advisor, Fukui sensei, is a really good player. He always scores a lot when we play together. How awesome of my foreign student life here!
Well, let's talk about my research. I am studying sulfur-respiration mechanisms in one of hyperthermophilic archaea called Thermococcus kodakarensis. To figure out how this lovely tiny organism could survive under such a high temperature with sulfur would be magnificent.
I would like to express my appreciation to my advisor, Prof. Fukui, and Assist. Prof. Orita. Thanks to my lab mates and all of my friends to make me have a wonderful time here.
The content of this article was accurate at the time of the interview.