Chemical Science and Engineering News
Color-Changing Fluorescent Dyes Unlock New Frontiers in Cellular Thermosensing
New Insights on Radical Trapping in 12-Phosphatetraphene Uncovered!
A Breakthrough in Chiral Capsule Tools for Advanced Optical Technologies
Building Better Solar Cells: Assembly of 2D Molecular Structures with Triptycene Scaffold
Exploring Ternary Metal Sulfides as Electrocatalyst for Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reactions
Researchers Shed Light on How to Make Photopolymerization Much More Efficient
Assist. Prof. ORITA Yasuhiko and TAKEHARA Ryosuke received the 23rd Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Awards.
A Deep Dive into Polyimides for High-Frequency Wireless Telecommunications
Building Blocks for the Future: Enantioselective [2+2+1] Cycloaddition Reactions with Rhodium Catalysis
Transforming Inexpensive Quinolines into Complex Drug Candidates
Novel Catalysts for Improved Methanol Production Using Carbon Dioxide Dehydrogenation
Transition-Metal-Free Zeolite Catalyst for Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol
A Novel Multifunctional Catalyst Turns Methane into Valuable Hydrocarbons
Alkyl-Aromatic Hybrid Micelles Formed from Emergent Umbrella-Shaped Molecules
Synthesizing π-Extended Carbohelicene-Based Circularly Polarized Luminescence Emitters
From Defects to Order: Spontaneously Emerging Crystal Arrangements in Perovskite Halides
Progress in Fluorescent Dyes to Better Visualize Lipid Membrane Order in Live Cells
Isomerism Can Control and Increase the Diversity of Structure of Covalent Organic Frameworks, Emerging Nanoporous Solids
2023 Suematsu Award
Assoc. Prof. Takane Imaoka awarded the JSCC Award for Creative Research 2023
A New Design Strategy for Mechanoresponsive Materials with High Thermal Tolerance
A First for Ferrocene: Organometallic Capsule with Unusual Charge-Transfer Interactions
A Nanocapsulation Strategy for Facile Analysis and Processing of Insoluble Aromatic Polymers in Water
Steric Zipper Interactions in Artificial Crystalline Peptide β-Sheets
Assistant Professor NAGASHIMA Yuki received the 22nd Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Awards and also selected the Suematsu Challenging Research Award
Simultaneous Synthesis and Fixing of Covalent Organic Frameworks
New Design Rule for High-Entropy Superionic Solid-State Conductors
Towards Synthesis of Phenanthridine-Based Pharmaceutical Compounds
FY2022 STAR grant recipients selected
An Improved, Visible Light-Harvesting Catalyst to Speed Up Reactions
New Horizons for Organoboron and Organosilicon Chemistry with Triple Elementalization
Studying Polymer Gels Through the Lens of Mechanochemistry and Solvent Swelling
Enabling Nanoscale Thermoelectrics with a Novel Organometallic Molecular Junction
NPG Asia Materials Symposium 2022
Research Students (Privately Funded)
Associate Professor ISHIGE Ryohei, Assistant Professor KAMBE Tetsuya and Assistant Professor MATSUI Naoki received the 2022 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award.
Building Molecular Bridges: New Crystal Engineering Strategy to Design Ultrabright Fluorescent Solid Dyes
Real-time Imaging of Dynamic Atom-atom Interactions
Electrochemical Synthesis Now Possible Without Electric Power Source
Atom by Atom: Building Precise Smaller Nanoparticles with Templates
Inorganic Borophene Liquid Crystals: A Superior New Material for Optoelectronic Devices
Scientists Reduce All-solid-state Battery Resistance by Heating It
Visualizing Temperature Transport: An Unexpected Technique for Nanoscale Characterization
New Polymer Detection Method to Turn the (Pep)Tide in the Fight Against Water Pollution
Plant from Plastics: Bio-based Polymers Can Be Transformed into Fertilizers
Novel Peroxide-based Material Emits Fluorescence in Response to Stress
It's Elementary: Visualizing Molecular Motion of Substituted 9-Phosphaanthracene
Novel Molecular Imaging Technique Casts Complex Coordination Molecules in a New Light!
Less Is More: "Reduction" Allows for Cleaner and More Efficient Catalytic Reactions
ASUNARO Grant established, 5 researchers including Assist. Prof. Ryosuke TAKEHARA awarded in first call
Striking Gold: Synthesizing Green Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy with Biomolecules
Bipolar Order: A Straightforward Technique to Have More Control Over Organic Thin Films
Ice core data show why, despite lower sulfur emissions in U.S. and Western Europe, air pollution is dropping more slowly
Prof. Ken Nakajima receives The Society Award given by The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science.
Touched by Light: Photoexcited Stannyl Anions Are Great for Producing Organotin Compounds
Dethroning Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Production with Inexpensive Alternative Material
A Show of Force: Novel Polymer that Toughens Up and Changes Color Upon Mechanical Stress
Keeping a Clean Path: Doubling the Capacity of Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Mechanophores: Making Polymer Crystallization Processes Crystal Clear
Silver Linings: Adding Silver to the Nanoclusters Can Do Wonders for their Luminescence
Taking a Shine to Polymers: Fluorescent Molecule Betrays the Breakdown of Polymer Materials
Fostering creativity in researchers: How Automation Can Revolutionize Materials Research
Smaller than Ever—Exploring the Unusual Properties of Quantum-sized Materials
New study shows how complex metabolism may have self-assembled from simple precursors
Four teams receive first DLab Challenge research grant -Assoc. Prof. Keita Yamada was elected the grant recipients-
Going Small for Big Solutions: Sub-Nanoparticle Catalysts Made from Coinage Elements as Effective Catalysts
Scientists identify missing source of atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
Heat Smarter, Not Harder— How Microwaves Make Catalytic Reactions More Efficient
’Ironing’ out the differences: Understanding superconductivity in ultrathin FeSe
Novel tin "bubbles" spur advances in the development of integrated chips
Prof. Naohiro Yoshida named Clair C. Patterson Medalist and Geochemistry Fellow
Synthesizing a Superatom: Opening Doors to their Use as Substitutes for Elemental Atoms
The power of going small: Copper oxide subnanoparticle catalysts prove most superior
Mixing the unmixable —A novel approach for efficiently fusing different polymers
Small, fast, and highly energy-efficient memory device inspired by lithium-ion batteries
Nitrous oxide emissions set to rise in the western North Pacific Ocean
How perovskite in solar cells recrystallizes and why modified carbon nanotubes can help overcome the reproducibility problem by making use of this
Eco-friendly electrochemical catalysts using solar cells to harvest energy from the sun
2019 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
Four Tokyo Tech researchers receive 2019 Suematsu Digital Technology Award
Discovery of periodic tables for molecules
Can't get thinner than this: synthesis of atomically flat boron sheets
A metal-free, sustainable approach to CO2 reduction
Associate Professor Ken Motokura receive FY2019 MEXT Commendation
Shinsuke Inagi and Masaaki Kitano are FY2018 STAR grant recipients
Naohiro Yoshida attends AGU Honors Ceremony
Making it crystal clear: Crystallinity reduces resistance in all-solid-state batteries
Prof. Naohiro Yoshida awarded Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon
How a tetrahedral substance can be more symmetrical than a spherical atom
Breakthrough in blending metals: Precise control of multimetallic one-nanometer cluster formation achieved
Naohiro Yoshida elected an AGU Fellow
All wired up: New molecular wires for single-molecule electronic devices
Expanding the limits of Li-ion batteries: Electrodes for all-solid-state batteries
Organic Photocatalyst: Reducing energy loss
Non-toxic filamentous virus helps quickly dissipate heat generated by electronic devices
Nitrate flux in the Arctic not following the decreasing NOx emissions in neighboring countries
Photopolymerization-triggered molecular motion for flexible liquid crystal display
Isotopic makeup of atmospheric sulfate and nitrate
Emeritus Professor Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon awarded 2016 Autumn Conferment of Decoration on Foreign Nationals
New aspect of atom mimicry for nanotechnology applications
Controllable light-emitting materials to advance light sensing and nano-medicine
Associate Professor Shinsuke Inagi receives 2016 MEXT Young Scientists' Prize
Neutron diffraction studies reveal origins of deterioration in lithium batteries
Fine tuning phosphorous heterocycle materials for organic electronics