Life Science and Technology News
Elucidating the mechanism that prevents cell death caused by uncontrolled nuclear autophagy
Towards Quantitative Point-of-Care Testing with Novel Bioluminescent Immunosensor
Novel Customizable Immunoassay May Revolutionize Diagnostics and On-Site Assessments!
【Labs spotlight】Yamayoshi Laboratory
Epitope Binning-seq: A Game-Changer in Antibody Drug Discovery
Breakthroughs in Nanosized Contrast Agents and Drug Carriers Through Self-Folding Molecules
Preventing Airborne Infection without Impeding Communication with Ions and Electric Field
【Labs spotlight】Uriu Laboratory
Efficient Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Brain Tumor with Novel Boron Carrier
Understanding the Regulation of Apicoplast Gene Expression in the Malaria Parasite
【Labs spotlight】Kadonosono Laboratory
Shedding Light on the Complex Flow Dynamics within the Small Intestine
A Novel High-Throughput Method for Screening Protein-Secreting Microbial Strains
【Labs spotlight】Kuroda Laboratory
Discovering Molecular ‘Team-Work’ Underlying Nitrate Assimilation in a Unicellular Red Alga
Introduction of the School of Life Science and Technology Research Fellow Program
New Study Finds Novel functions of the Pyruvate-Sensing Protein PdhR in E. coli
【Labs spotlight】 Koshikawa Laboratory
【Labs spotlight】 Nakamura and Okada Laboratory
Research video: Fighting cancer with slime chemistry and BNCT
How to keep boron inside cells during radiotherapy: a simple novel approach to cancer treatment
2019 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
Masaaki Fujii honored with Humboldt Research Award
A day in the life of a Tokyo Tech student 2019
Six Tokyo Tech faculty members receive FY2019 MEXT Commendation
"Luminescent detection of Protein-Protein Interaction by tagging tiny peptides"
Live cell imaging: 'Green Glifons' for real-time monitoring of glucose metabolism
Scientists find a "switch" to increase starch accumulation in algae
【Labs spotlight】 Hisabori and Wakabayashi Laboratory(until Mar. 2023)
Anticancer drugs delivered by a new drug delivery system reduce tumor size
Genetically encoded sensor tracks changes in oxygen levels with very high sensitivity
【Labs spotlight】 Naoyuki Yamamoto Laboratory
How do plants rest photosynthetic activity at night?
Harnessing energy from algae: Scientists identify enzyme that could help accelerate biofuel production
The best of both worlds: Basic-to-acidic flash switching for organic synthesis
'Division of labor' between hemispheres of multicellular spheroidal alga controls light-sensitive movement
Target of rapamycin: linking cytosolic and chloroplast ribosome biogenesis in plants
Nobuhiro Nishiyama - Creating nanomachines through polymer design
Design of chemical linker and control of bioactivity for polymer-conjugated siRNA system
HRP-Catalyzed Tyrosine Click Reaction with Luminol Derivatives
Gas-phase spectroscopy of complexes of noradrenaline and alkali metal ions by using electrospray cryogenic ion trap technique
Algal residue - an alternative carbon resource for pharmaceuticals and polyesters
Improving detection of brain tumors
【Labs spotlight】 Kajiwara and Orihara Laboratory
【Labs spotlight】 Fujii and Ishiuchi Laboratory
【Labs spotlight】 Ueda Laboratory(until Dec. 2022)
【Labs spotlight】 Miyashita Laboratory
【Labs spotlight】 Hiroyuki Akama Laboratory
【Labs spotlight】 Kondoh Laboratory(until Mar. 2023)
【Labs spotlight】 Ogura Laboratory
【Labs spotlight】 Tanaka and Imamura Laboratory
Boron carrier for targeted tumour therapy
Linking light to life: new pathways that help plants adapt to changing environments
Illuminating detection of deep cancers
A determined quest toward new horizons in cancer treatment ― Professor Shinae Kondoh
"Nanomachine Contrast Agent" using existing MRI detects minimal cancer tissue with a highly sensitive visualization
Abscisic Acid Helps Red Algae Tolerate Salt Stress by Controlling Cell Cycle Initiation