Melanoma is a very aggressive tumor originating from neural-crest derived melanocytes. The transformation of normal melanocytes into melanoma cells is a multistep process. It is crucial to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms of melanocyte development (specially the molecular network that controls the induction of neural crest) and transformation, to improve the prevention, early diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.
Our research combines molecular approaches based on an understanding of the signaling associated with extracellular factors, a cellular approach based on an understanding of the establishment/maintenance and alteration of the melanocyte lineage and an approach based on animal models that will be used to test specific innovative treatments. In fine, we expect that we can ultimately propose new prognostic markers for melanoma and improved therapeutic treatments.
今回お話いただくLionel Larue博士(キュリー研究所)は、タカハシマサユキ特任教授(生命理工学コース主担当)の元同僚で、細胞・個体レベルでのメラノーマの発症、発展の分子メカニズムの研究で著名な方です。皆様どうぞご参加ください。
細胞制御工学研究センターコロキウム 0013 ポスター
東京工業大学 生命理工学院 生命理工学系 特任教授 TAKAHASHI MASAYUKI
科学技術創成研究院 細胞制御工学研究センター 木村宏