Novel selective small-molecule inhibitors of C4 photosynthesis: A structural and computational biology approach to combat C4 weeds in arable crops
- 講師
- Prof. Dr. Georg Groth
(Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS), Institute of Biochemical Plant Physiology, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 40204 Düsseldorf, Germany)
- 演題
- Novel selective small-molecule inhibitors of C4 photosynthesis: A structural
and computational biology approach to combat C4 weeds in arable crops
研究院WRHI事業で招聘したGeorg Groth教授の講演会を、下記の通り開催いたします。

Novel selective small-molecule inhibitors of C4 photosynthesis: A structural
and computational biology approach to combat C4 weeds in arable crops ポスター