- 講師
- James E. Haber博士
- 演題
- The DNA damage response and DNA damage-induced autophagy
- Abstract
- In budding yeast, a single double-strand chromosome break is sufficient to trigger the DNA damage checkpoint response, causing cells to arrest prior to anaphase, providing time for cells to accomplish repair of the break. We are especially interested in how the checkpoint is turned off, either when breaks are repaired or when cells adapt and divide in spite of persistent damage. DNA damage also provokes an increase in protein degradation by autophagy. This Genotoxin Targeted Autophagy (GTA) is distinct from other autophagic pathways and requires the ATM and ATR kinases as well as several genes that are not implicated in starvation-induced autophagy.
今回お話いただく James Haber博士(ローゼンスティール基礎医科学研究センター所長・米国ブランダイス大学/ 米国科学アカデミー会員)は、DNA二重鎖切断修復研究の世界的第一人者で、科学技術創成研究院WRHIの特任教授として、11月上旬まで東工大に滞在されています。

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