情報通信系 News
受賞者には、情報通信系より賞状、および電気・情報系の同窓会である楽水会より、副賞のメダルと図書カードが贈呈されました。 また受賞者に向けて、楽水会会長からお祝いのメッセージをいただきました。
(左から山田功教授、Yang Songxiaoさん、SRISOPITSAWAT Pavarutさん、金子寛彦教授)
LE LAY Cedric Laurent Dylanさん(長谷川研究室)
I am grateful for my work to be recognized by the outstanding student award. I would like to express my indebtedness and gratitude to Dr Hasegawa. His supervision has not only guided my scientific endeavor but has truly instilled in me the essence of applying scientific knowledge to resolve substantial problems. My intercultural time at Tokyo Tech has confirmed my view that one of the most important virtues of a scientist is not to be the most technically brilliant but to be able to convey your ideas in a structured and understandable manner. It is my deepest wish that the school of information and communications engineering continues to encourage meaningful research and instill the passion for research to students that will come after me.
SRISOPITSAWAT Pavarutさん(熊澤研究室)
I am deeply honored to accept this award. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to Professor Kumazawa, who believe in me, support me and have guided me throughout this academic journey.
I am also grateful to my wife for her constant encouragement and support, as well as my dearest friends and fellow labmates who have made these past two years truly memorable and enjoyable.
These years will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I am committed to continuing my hard work and pursuit of excellence for my future work and research.
Yang Songxiaoさん(鈴木研究室)
I am truly humbled and honored to receive the Outstanding Student Award for my master's course. I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Professor Kenji Suzuki, Ph.D.. His valuable comments, insightful remarks, and active involvement throughout my master's thesis journey have been immensely beneficial. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Assistant Professor Ze Jin, Ph.D.. Dr. Jin has always been accessible, with an open-door policy whenever I encountered challenges or needed guidance regarding my research and writing. I would also like to thank Tianyi Qu, B.E. and all other members of Suzuki Lab for every discussion and exchange of ideas. The master's course has been both challenging and rewarding, pushing me beyond my boundaries and making me realize my potential. This award is not the end but the beginning of more challenges and opportunities. It inspires me to keep striving for excellence and to contribute positively to my field and society at large. I will continue to work hard in my doctoral course in the near future.