Mechanical Engineering News
Plasma-Derived Atomic Hydrogen Advances Low-Temperature CO₂ Methanation at High Yield
Isomerism Can Control and Increase the Diversity of Structure of Covalent Organic Frameworks, Emerging Nanoporous Solids
The 3rd Engineering School Sustainability Challenge, a Contest for Business Plans was held
Techit TRITRAKARN (D4, Okamura Lab.) received the Young Poster Award at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society of Japan (2023)
Improving the Properties of Sweeteners for Enhanced Thermal Energy Storage
Students proposing treatment of cataracts win 2nd Engineering School E×S Challenge
Solid material that 'upconverts' visible light photons to UV light photons could change how we utilize sunlight
Looking at Oxygen Storage Dynamics in Three-Way Catalysts
Nonthermal Plasma-Promoted CO2 Hydrogenation in Presence of Alloy Catalysts
Group aiming for water conservation wins first School of Engineering E×S Challenge
2021 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award Winners including Associate Professor Masayasu SHIMURA Announced
MIC "INNO-vation" Generation Special Corporate Award for Associate Professor Yoichi Murakami
DENSO and Tokyo Tech Establish DENSO Mobility Collaborative Research Cluster
Thermo-chemical power generation integrated with forced convection cooling to create a self-sustaining liquid cooling system
Energy students instigate interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration
Work by Riken and Tokyo Tech AICS researchers wins "Best Paper" award at SC16 supercomputing conference
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