Information and Communications Engineering News
Poster presentation for Master student's study from Suzuki Lab received the most prestigious Magna Cum Laude Award at RSNA 2024
Poster presentation for Master student's study from Suzuki Lab received a prestigious Cum Laude Award at RSNA 2024
An Innovative Mixed Light Field Technique for Immersive Projection Mapping
The 3rd Engineering School Sustainability Challenge, a Contest for Business Plans was held
Research plan presentation was held and 6 master students were awarded
Research plan presentation was held and 2 master students were awarded
New Multi-Policy-Based Annealer for Solving Real-World Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Research plan presentation was held and 9 master students were awarded
Students proposing treatment of cataracts win 2nd Engineering School E×S Challenge
Outstanding Student Award in Department of Information and Communications Engineering in September 2022
A Novel Approach to Creating Tailored Odors and Fragrances Using Machine Learning
Research plan presentation was held and 4 master students were awarded
"Lens-less" Imaging Through Advanced Machine Learning for Next Generation Image Sensing Solutions
Intensity Control of Projectors in Parallel – A Doorway to an Augmented Reality Future
Hiddenite: A New AI Processor for Reduced Computational Power Consumption Based on a Cutting-Edge Neural Network Theory
Group aiming for water conservation wins first School of Engineering E×S Challenge
Research plan presentation was held and 4 master students were awarded
Research plan presentation was held and 3 master students were awarded
Concept presentation was held and two master students were awarded
traP students win Best Technical Award at Crisis Management Contest
Kazuyoshi Yamazaki received ISOM'18 Poster Paper Award.
Three Tokyo Tech teams qualify for ACM-ICPC2018 Asia regionals
Concept presentation was hold and 6 master students were awarded
Joint research of Yamaguchi lab and NTT DOCOMO, INC. received IDW'17 Best Paper Award.
Concept presentation was hold and 8 master students were awarded
Shunsuke Igarashi received DHIP2016 Oustanding Poster Award.
Kenji Kakimoto received 2016 Signal Processing Young Researcher Encouragement Award.
Daichi Kitahara received the 2016 IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Japan Student Best Paper Award (Journal category).