Electrical and Electronic Engineering News
IEEE Power and Energy Society provides the award to whom contributed
Professor Akira Chiba was awarded 2023 IEEE( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) PES(Power and Energy Society) Cyril Veinott Electromechanical Energy Conversion Award.
This award is presented every year for those who have contributed electromechanical energy conversion. In 2023 July 19th the award was provided in the Gala dinner in IEEE PES General Meeting in Hyatt Regency Hotel in Orland, Florida, USA.
left:Plate, right:Award-winning photo(from left to right: PES award committee chair, Akira Chiba, PES president)
Dr. Cyril Veinott had significant contribution on small powered induction motors. His book is also preserved in the library in this university. In his 1958 book, there are excellent descriptions on single phase induction motor. I guess the motor has contributed in refrigerators and washing machines, and etc. He was the recipient of the second IEEE Nikola Tesla Award, that is a part of the prestigious IEEE Technical Field Award. My 2020 Tesla award was 43 years later. The 1958 is two years before I was born. In that age, TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines are brought into people. I guess his book provided an expanding of single phase motors all over the world.
The citation of my award is for “For contributions to bearingless motors and reluctance motors”. Note that the bearingless motors are basically rotating motors with non-contact magnetic suspension. As there is no mechanical contact, there is no metal or carbon powders.
At the Gala dinner, the award recipients and the partner sat in a table. As the awards are in separated areas, however, we have found somebody in common. In my case, I started to attend this annual meeting about 20 years ago. I started secretary, vice chair, vice chair chair elect, chair and past chair for 10 years. I wished if I can be a recipient someday and the dream came true.