Electrical and Electronic Engineering News
The student Kodai Yaguchi (D2, D1 at the time of the award) of Aoyagi Laboratory won the Young Excellence Award of Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMCJ), the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE).
Kodai Yaguchi (left) and Associate Professor Takahiro Aoyagi (right)
This award will be given to young researchers who have given an outstanding presentation at EMCJ throughout the year.
This study proposed and verified the modeling of reverberation chambers used in EMC which is the field for estimating and antijamming electromagnetic noises of electric components. The proposed modeling has the potential that enables parametric designs of reverberation chambers and I am currently conducting research based on this result. Through this research, I hope to improve EMC testing and contribute to the realization of a secure information and communication society.
I am very honored to receive the EMCJ Young Excellence Award. I will keep researching, and developing this study.
I was interested in electromagnetic wave technology and wanted to learn electrical and electronic engineering that could apply them to society.