【ハイブリッドによる開催】東工大 数論・幾何学セミナー:Alex Youcis 氏
- 日程
- 2024年6月14日(金)
- 時間
- 16:00~17:00
- 場所
- 東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス本館1階M-155 (H1104) 講義室(いつもと会場が異なります)とオンライン
- 講師
- Alex Youcis 氏 ( National University of Singapore )
- 備考
- お問い合わせ先
- 東京工業大学理学院数学事務室
jimu[at]math.titech.ac.jp ([at]は半角@に置き換えてください。)
- 講演タイトル
- Serre--Tate theory for Shimura varieties of abelian type
- アブストラクト
- The celebrated Serre--Tate theorem says that deformations of an abelian variety are naturally parameterized in terms of deformation of the abelian variety's Barsotti--Tate group. In particular, this says that the functor from Mumford's moduli spaces of principally polarized abelian varieties to the moduli stack of Barsotti--Tate groups is formally étale. In this talk I will discuss joint work with Naoki Imai and Hiroki Kato which shows a similar result holds true for arbitrary Shimura varieties of abelian type (at hyperspecial level), for which Mumford's moduli spaces are very specific examples of.