Mechanical Engineering News
Youki Wakabayashi and Shoichiro Koizumi (Suzumori-Endo lab, master's course 2nd) received the SICE International Young Authors Award (12nd - 15th Jan 2020, Honolulu, USA) in IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), which is a conference in a research field of system integration.
The paper titles are "Design of a Guide Pulley Achieving Identical Wire Path Length for a Double Joint Mechanism" and "Soft Robotic Gloves with Thin McKibben Muscles for Hand Assist and Rehabilitation", respectively.
Their papers were included in the conference proceedings, and they had presentations at this conference.
Shoichiro Koizumi (left side) and Youki Wakabayashi
(right side), 2nd year Master students in Suzumori Endo lab