Through lectures and practical courses in physiology, psychology, and biomechanics, students gain literacy on how to lead a lifelong healthy lifestyle. Practical courses mainly consist of sports activities. Students learn the proper techniques to maintain their wellness through sports, and in addition, they develop communication and leadership skills through hands-on experiences.
Undergraduate Degree Program (100-Level)
Students measure various health indicators of their bodies. In particular, they take physiological measurements, such as body fat percentage, endurance, heart rate, blood pressure, and physical activity, study the meaning of these measurements, and learn what changes should be made to their lifestyles to improve these values. In addition, changes to mental health indicators that are associated with exercise are observed.
Professor Kunihiro Sakuma
Students learn how to measure health indicators using themselves as human guinea pigs, and study the significance of these measured values. By understanding things such as the background of endurance measurement methods and the meaning of blood pressure, they will come to appreciate the ingenuity and mysteries that surround the functions of the human body. The goal is to ensure that students acquire the basic knowledge necessary to maintain good health through this practical course.
Undergraduate Degree Program (100-Level)
Select and join sports courses that are right for you. While participating in these sports, students learn about sports skills and safety. Through a hands-on approach, they will also understand the usefulness of physical activities. The course is designed to enable students to enjoy sports while improving their sports skills and enhancing their wellness through regular proactive participation.
Associate Professor Kazuhiro Suda
While enjoying sports, we hope students understand the role of sports in maintaining wellness, and will continue to do sports activities as part of their everyday life during their time at university and life afterwards. Let's improve sports skills, learn techniques to participate safely in sports, and develop communication skills to improve your self-confidence as well as to interact with others and have fun.
The complete listing of Wellness Courses is available at TOKYO TECH OCW* 100-300-level, 400-600-level
*This listing will show all of the courses under the Breadth Courses category, to which the Wellness Courses belong. Look for Wellness Courses under the Course Title field.