Life Science and Technology News

Science Cafe 2018: Embracing the twists and turns of intestinal bacteria

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April 25, 2018

The Yamada Lab of the School of Life Science and Technology held another successful Science Cafe event on March 31, providing school students with an exciting and educational way to learning about intestinal bacteria.

Child-friendly presentation on intestinal bacteria

Child-friendly presentation on intestinal bacteria

The human intestines are said to contain some 100 trillion bacteria consisting of 1,000 different types. In recent years, techniques for their analysis have dramatically improved, enabling comprehensive investigation that has led to numerous significant discoveries. To help children visualize and better understand the mechanisms and activity of bacteria, students organizing the Science Cafe developed a bacteria-themed board game in 2016, which was again the centerpiece in 2018. Approximately 50 players, mostly girls and boys ranging from pre-school to middle school ages, participated this year.

Learning through board games

Learning through board games

Unlike conventional lectures and symposia, Science Cafe aims to connect researchers and scientists with members of the public to discuss science topics in a smaller, cozier atmosphere. Student members of the Japanese Consortium for Human Microbiome have been regularly organizing the event at Tokyo Tech for the past several years, creating an enjoyable environment for budding scientists to deepen their knowledge.

Yamada (far right) with student organizers

Yamada (far right) with student organizers

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School of Life Science and Technology
—Unravel the Complex and Diverse Phenomena of Life—

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This event is supported by Tokyo Tech Fund

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Yamada Lab, School of Life Science and Technology

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