In 1970, Tokyo Tech established the Department of Information Science the first of its kind in all Japan. Following this first department, the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science pursues the principles and methods of mathematics and computing by studying fundamental mathematical science and information technology.
This is a place for students with a strong interest in mathematics, computers, and their practical application. In this Department, students develop into the next-generation key players in the field.
The curriculum of the Mathematical and Computing Science Undergraduate Major comprises a good balance of three fields: mathematics, applied mathematics, and computing. Students study these three fields simultaneously, strengthening the flexible thinking skills, for example, needed to analyze fundamental mathematical theory using computer programs.
Each laboratory offers cutting-edge study in mathematics, applied mathematics, or computer science. Adding their own perspective to the well-balanced knowledge in the three fields covered by their courses, students start conducting their own original research. Approximately three fourth-year students are affiliated with one laboratory, and this affiliation will rapidly increase discussion time with peers.
Students learn basic programming skills on Mac computers. In the Introduction to Computer Science course, students learn conditional branching and recursion using the Scala programming language, currently popular in both academic and industrial circles. The Computer Science I course enables students to understand how computers work and execute programs, such as the mechanism of function call. In Computer Science II, students develop design methods for in object-oriented programming languages such as Java.
A number of students who enroll at Tokyo Tech wishing to study mathematics join the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, as they find that the department offers opportunities to pursue the particular branch mathematics they are interested in. Also, in the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, there are many studies that deepens high school mathematics. Some students actively participate in international collegiate programming contests. The Department also welcomes those who are interested in programming but lack practical experience.