Industrial Engineering and Economics News
Dr. Yuki Inoue has just joined our department in October 2023. After obtaining his Ph.D. in 2017 from Tokyo Institute of Technology, he worked at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Hiroshima University, and Hosei University before he joined Tokyo Tech. We interviewed him about his perspectives at Tokyo Tech.
Associate Professor Yuki Inoue
What kind of research do you do?
My research area is business management, especially innovation management and strategic management. I aim to clarify the mechanisms that firms and people use to generate innovation within business ecosystems based on platforms. Like the leading companies captured under the term GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft), platform businesses and ecosystems play a very important role in the current global economy. I prefer data analysis and simulation approaches and mainly analyze the evolution and decline of the business ecosystems and generation of innovation in these ecosystems.
What are the most important topics in your field at the moment?
Current my focus is on "categories" in ecosystems. Categories play roles as an evaluation tool for consumers and as a basis for creating values in firms. Categories have varied features that can either help or hinder firms' trials when generating innovation. Therefore, perspectives on what kinds of categories are created in an ecosystem, and what kinds of categories should be created, are important to enhance the value of an ecosystem.
What advice do you have for students aspiring to work with you or in your field?
I expect students from various backgrounds and expertise. Students can develop their scientific and technological abilities through research activities, while also reading books and papers in the social sciences and humanities, acquiring new perspectives, and then tackling their research from various perspectives.
Finally, what are your ambitions for the future?
Although it may not be well known, business management is a field within the social sciences: namely, it is within "science." Tokyo Institute of Technology became Institute of Science Tokyo last year. However, the research of business management may not be very active. I would like to contribute to ignite this research field in the new university.