Event Information
Dr. Stefan Dziembowski
The cryptography currency is a technology that has attracted rising attention in recent years. Bitcoin was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, and it has spread quickly as there are about 200,000 transactions per day, and the total value is over 130 billion yen. In this lecture, we will explain the methods of bitcoin, principle of opeation, vulnerability, and also explain applied techniques for bitcoin called Smart Contract.
For details, please refer to the PDF file.
Short Biography:
In 2001, PhD at University of Warsaw. Assistant professor at Univeristy of Warsawa and Univerisity of Rome. From 2013, Associate professor at the University of Warsaw. He has also served as Head of the Cryptology and Data Security Group of the University of Warsawa since 2010.
6 December,2017 / The venue has changed as follow:
Before:Room W1008, West 8 (W) 10F, Oookayama campus
After:Room W1101, West 8 (W) 11F, Oookayama campus
Update : December 4, 2017