Mathematical and Computing Science
Undergraduate Major
Elucidate the principles and methods of
information through the eyes of a scientist
Through the rise of smart phones and data science, information has become an even more intimate part of our lives. In the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science we clarify the mathematical foundations of information and information related technologies from both a mathematical science and computing science perspective.
Understand the information society using both logical and
mathematical approaches
We develop individuals who systematically study mathematical theories to be able to logically and mathematically understand phenomena and use them in society, people who mathematically grasp the essence of a variety of real problems and can figure out how to solve those problems, and people with the ability to express ways to solve a variety of problems on a computer and build a system to process them.
Ideal Candidates
- Those who have an interest in logical and mathematical theories and approaches
- Those who have an interest in the principles and capabilities of computer systems and software
Competencies Developed
- Logical and mathematical reasoning skills based on systematic mathematical theories and the ability to accurately grasp and logically express the mathematical structure of phenomena
- The ability to understand real problems as a mathematical framework and to solve them mathematically
- The ability to express solutions as algorithms
- Knowledge and skills relating to computer science such as computer architecture and software systems
- Generic programming skills for dealing with problems in a variety of areas
- The ability to propose an approach that fuses mathematical science and computer science
- An understanding of the various features of an information society and the knowledge base to further that understanding
- The presentation skills for thinking on one's own, logically summarizing ideas, and effectively arguing them
- The ethics expected of an individual as a member of society and communications skills to accept differing opinions and ideas and collaborate with others for solving problems