About Us


Logically and mathematically explore the essence of
the complicated problems in our information society through mathematical science and computer science.

Modern society is an information society, where a high level of information intensity exerts a deep influence on every corner of our lives. In the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, students study methods for dealing with this kind of information using a scientific approach. Specifically, fully utilizing a new mathematics that uses computers, solving real problems based on mathematical models, understanding computer science in which information processing is treated as computing, as well as learning how to design computer systems to actually execute what they have learned. We aim to train people who can succeed globally by using this expertise in their problem solving.

  • Vision
  • Vision

Message from the Department Chair

Makoto Yamashita

Our daily lives are continually influenced by new information technologies developed and supported by fascinating mathematical science and computer science theories. The Department of Mathematical and Computing Science explores the fundamentals of information and their real-world applications. Join us in this exploration and be part of building the future of our information society.

Makoto Yamashita

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