
Life Science and Technology
Undergraduate Major

Unravel the mechanisms of life
and open up new paths in
applied engineering

We develop individuals who can contribute to the formation of humanity's common intellectual foundation with research achievements, maintain high ethical values, unravel the mechanisms of life and open up new paths in applied engineering.


Decipher the structure of life through
the fusion of life sciences
and science and engineering

We educate students with fundamental knowledge in science and engineering, basic expertise in life science and technology, ethical values, and problem-solving skills that contribute to the development of science and technology related to life science.

Ideal Candidates

  • Those who have learned fundamental concepts and ways of thinking in the natural sciences, as well as the ability to apply them
  • Those who think logically and focus on tackling problems
  • Those with basic language abilities required for specialized education in life science and technology
  • Those with the desire to explore biological phenomena and have the drive to contribute to the development of science and technology

Competencies Developed

  • Fundamental academic ability in science and engineering and basic expertise in life science and technology
  • Problem-solving skills supported by expertise and ethical values
  • Basic cultural and communication skills that are globally effective

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering

Introduction Video

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