Architecture and Building Engineering News
Tokyo Tech's second MOOC "Modern Japanese Architecture:From Meiji Restoration to Today"
Prof. Stewart recording a video segment with TA Students
As one course of the MOOC in Tokyo Tech, the lecture Modern Japanese Architecture to Today(ARCH101x) given by Prof. David B. Stewart started offering since May 10th,2016.
MOOC, or the Massive Open Online Courses, has been set up by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University. Tokyo Institute of Technology have joined the consortium, or edX , of this huge program since 2015.
The Prof. HIROSE Kei, from Earth and Planetary Sciences and the director of the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) of Tokyo Tech, have given the first lecture of the MOOC of Tokyo Tech. As its following, the 2nd lecture will be addressed by the Specially Appointed Prof. David B. Stewart, who has been teaching in Tokyo Tech since 1976. In totally 6 weeks, Prof. Steward would like to be a narrator of this unique theme about the fascinating history of and concepts behind modern Japanese architecture together with the students.
By showing over 1500 documentary photographs, the lecture will offer a full portrait of the concepts and characteristics behind Japanese Modern architecture in past 150 years by a historical insight back to the modernism and post-modernism since the Edo and Meiji period. What to be emphasized is that the lecture given in the 5th week is about the details of the masterpieces of the House design by Prof. SHINOHARA Kazuo who was a former professor in Tokyo Tech and also a famous architect. And in the 6th week, there will be an explicit introduce to the buildings located in Tokyo Tech Campus that were designed by the faculty members of the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Tokyo Tech, who are known as famous architects and construction engineers as well. Both of them will be the climax of this lecture.
Please check the following URL for more information about this MOOC. The application for this lecture is also available now.