About Us


Create new materials, understand the structures,
reactions and properties of materials at the atomic level,
and contribute to society through chemistry!

This branch of science explores the principles of materials and life. Chemical principles control atoms, molecules, electrons, nano-materials, life, and even space. In the Department of Chemistry, students learn fundamental principles of chemistry, discover new materials, and acquire the ability to contribute to cutting-edge chemistry that will greatly benefit society. The curriculum requires students to take courses on the basics of physical chemistry, inorganic and analytical chemistry, and organic chemistry to acquire specialized knowledge in a wide range of research areas. Building upon this, students not only gain advanced specialized knowledge, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, and insight, but they are also cultivated into valuable human resources who go on to contribute to a prosperous society.

  • Vision
  • Vision

Message from the Department Chair

Shun-ichi Ishiuchi

All substances around us are made of molecules. And the characteristic properties of substances are fundamentally based on the behavior of electrons, atoms, molecules, and their assembly. Chemistry is a science that explores the principles of this behavior and that also contributes to the welfare of human beings through the creation of new substances based on these principles. Chemistry is actually dealing with a very wide area of science, where the pursuit of the truth directly leads to the development of our society.

Shun-ichi Ishiuchi

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