
Architecture and Building Engineering
Undergraduate Major

Learn about architecture and
urban design!

Architecture is a practical science for designing structures, cities, and environments. It covers a wide range of fields, including design, execution, the history of architecture, architectural and urban planning, structures and materials, environmental engineering and building services. Our goal is to train architects, engineers, and researchers who will utilize their knowledge to identify and respond to the needs of society.


Architecture — a convergence of science,
technology, and art

We instill in our students architectural expertise as well as a foundation in science, technology, the humanities, and social sciences. With open minds, intellect, creativity, and high ethical standards, they will be able to contribute to society as experts in production, design, and planning.

Ideal Candidates

  • Those with sufficient academic ability in a range of fields, particularly in science and mathematics, as well as imagination, intellect, and creativity
  • Those with interest in architecture, urban areas, and society; drive for solving problems; and high motivation for study in this field
  • Those with aspirations to apply their skills to the further development of civilization and culture

Competencies Developed

  • Academic ability in both fundamental and specialized areas and the intellectual skills needed for research, innovation, and development relating to architecture
  • The ability to discover new trends by utilizing wide-reaching knowledge of the field
  • The logic, imagination, planning skills, and expressiveness needed in research, innovation, and development
  • The skills to face the unknown while maintaining high ethical standards
  • Language and communications skills necessary to advance research, innovation, and development from an international perspective

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Engineering

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