
Materials Science and Engineering
Undergraduate Major

Materials are indispensable in industry and
vital in our daily lives...
What do you want to learn at the Department of
Materials Science and Engineering?

Metals, plastics, ceramics... Materials that support our daily lives are countless and diverse. Therefore, it is of great importance to have a curriculum that enables students to systematically learn a broad range of academic branches in the field of materials science. Not only is our curriculum designed with this in mind, but it also ensures that students acquire a solid understanding of specialized knowledge of materials by allowing them to take Core Courses that interest them the most.


Become an expert in materials that
are the building blocks of society

While keeping harmony between the natural world and the development of humankind in mind, students study the fundamentals of materials science, covering topics in metallic materials, organic materials, and inorganic materials. We cultivate individuals who have the knowledge and originality to create innovative industrial materials, and have the ability to play an active role in the global arena. These are skills that leading scientists and engineers in the field of materials science must possess, and are what are sought by the industrial world.

Ideal Candidates

  • Those who have an interest in phenomena related to substances and materials, and the drive to explore and understand the unknown
  • Those who have the desire to contribute to the harmonious development of humankind with society and nature through their knowledge of materials science

Competencies Developed

  • Fundamental scientific and engineering knowledge and logical reasoning skills necessary for the development of metallurgical materials, organic materials, and inorganic materials
  • Independently find creative solutions to materials-related problems, and conceive of ways to implement these solutions in the real world
  • A broad and rich education that can be adapted to international and social settings, and a strong sense of technology ethics
  • Leadership and communication skills to logically express views and respect those of others

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering

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